Sabroso helado
Okusno Ice cream ;)
De sabor a vainilla y galletas ¡ñam! ¡Gran postre en la guarde!
Vanila & cookies taste ¡ñam! good dessert today in the kindergarten!
En busca de soluciones frente a las dificultades
Finding solucions against the difficulties
When difficulties appear in a grupal convivence, the main points could be:
In the situation, LOOK LOOK LOOK: the behaviours, when and how it happens? before, during and after the behaviour and the consecuences. And later REFLECT about how can overcome the difficulties we found?... BE PATIENT and BE CONSTANT with the educational method, need time to finally get good results and never surrend!! keep the same line and repeat one, two, three and all the times it should be necessary to get success in your objectives :) so it is necessary too... to EVALUATION CONTINUOUS before - during and after the method: about if the educational method is working, in case it´s no working thinking about why? and try to change the things is not working etc.
And against the other behaviour difficulties, the main point It is not punishment, just CONSECUENCES, you loose privileges you want if you made something against the convivence rules. I think is the difficult but the best way to teach how can they addapt to the convivence rules into a group.
And against the other behaviour difficulties, the main point It is not punishment, just CONSECUENCES, you loose privileges you want if you made something against the convivence rules. I think is the difficult but the best way to teach how can they addapt to the convivence rules into a group.
Cuando se presentan dificultades en la convivencia de un grupo los pasos pueden ser los siguientes:
OBSERVAR la situación, los comportamientos, cuándo y cómo se producen, REFLEXIONAR sobre cómo evitarlos y afrontarlos, tener PACIENCIA Y CONSTANCIA para finalmente conseguir resultados y no rendirse SER CONSTANTE.
Refuerzo positivo inmediato y motivación. Y no castigos o disculpas sino: consecuencias ante los actos de cada uno, yo creo que son los puntos clave para el aprendizaje de cómo adaptarse a las normas de convivencia en un grupo.
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